Saturday, July 12, 2008

University of Chicago School of Law

Clinical programs: The University of Chicago Law School is home to four highly-regarded legal clinics: the Edwin F. Mandel Legal Aid Clinic, the Immigrant Children's Advocacy Project, the Exoneration Project and the Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship. more...


07.15.08: The University of Chicago Alumni Association Presents The Supreme Court Review 09.22.08: First Monday: New York 09.23.08: First Monday: Washington D.C.


Tribune Architecture Blog Lauds Law School Renovations

Stone: How to Put Civil Liberties in the White House

Epstein: How to Complicate Habeas Corpus

Most of us think that fraud ought to generate government intervention, so what about fraud in the virtual world?

Saul Levmore, The Faculty Blog, March 11, 2008

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