Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Harvard Law School Welcome to the Class of 2011 N0000425665 JD Orientation 2008

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JD Orientation 2008

Welcome to the Class of 2011!

The Orientation schedules are now online. Simply select your section from the menu to the right. If you have any questions about Orientation, please contact the Dean of Students office at 617-495-1880 or dos@law.harvard.edu.

***The events on both Thursday and Friday are mandatory. The events Saturday through Thursday are optional but recommended.***
Thursday, August 28
9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Activities Include:

* Section meeting with Faculty Leader
* Campus Tour
* Class Photograph
* Registration for Classes
* Financial Aid Presentation

Section Dinners with Faculty Leader will occur on Thursday, August 28th.
Friday, August 29

* Section Meeting with Faculty Leader
* Lunch with Board of Student Advisers Leader
* Welcome Speech from Dean Elena Kagan
* Welcome Reception

Saturday, August 30 - 10:30a.m. - 1:00p.m.

* Tours of Boston and/or Cambridge locations
o New England Aquarium
o Fenway Park
o Museum of Fine Arts
o Freedom Trail
o Beacon Hill Black History Walk
o Harvard Campus and Cambridge Tour

Sunday, August 31

* Super Duck Tours of Boston
* Ice Cream Social on Jarvis Field
* Outdoor Movie on Jarvis Field

Orientation II
Activities Include:

* Public Service Orientation
* State of the School Speech by Dean Elena Kagan - September 15th
* Student Journals Fair - September 15th
* Safety Discussion with HUPD - September 16th
* Student Practice Organization Fair - September 16th
* Student Organizations/Activities Fair - September 17th
* Wellness Fair - September 17th

Page last updated: Tue, Aug 12, 2008, 11:21:08 EDT. HLS Contact Information | Privacy Policy
Section Links:

* Orientation Home
* Section I Schedule
* Section II Schedule
* Section III Schedule
* Section IV Schedule
* Section V Schedule
* Section VI Schedule
* Section VII Schedule
* Transfer & Visiting Schuedule
* Orientation II
* Course Information

Main site navigation:

* Admissions and Financial Aid
* Courses and Academic Programs
* Student Services

* HLS Home
* Faculty
* Administration
* Alumni
* Library
* Public Service
* Research Programs and Centers
* International Legal Studies
* News and Events

HLS website
Students section

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