Friday, July 11, 2008

Lewis and Clark Law School

Greetings From Portland Oregon !

We missed you at the Law School Admisson Council’s law school forum in Boston recently and wanted to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you

The idea of traveling across the country from Boston. to Portland, Oregon may be difficult (or maybe not!) to think about, but we encourage you to consider all the wonderful things the city has to offer. Portland is consistently ranked as one of the top livable cities in the U.S. Not only is it beautiful, but it’s also quite progressive, casual, and inclusive. Portland attracts a very creative, intelligent and active population which makes for a mix of amazing restaurants, an established arts & music scene, abundant outdoor activities, and original urban development.

Visit Portland online: http://www.lclark. edu/dept/lawadmss/ about_portland.html

Wikipedia facts: http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Portland%2C_or

Portland also has a growing diverse community as does Lewis & Clark. The majority of Lewis & Clark students also are not from Oregon, or even from the Northwest. Many of our students move here from the Boston area for law school, but also to take advantage of the lifestyle, affordability, and opportunity in Portland. Our alumni base in Boston is also strong. In other words, coming to Portland doesn’t have to be permanent, unless, like a lot of folks, you want it to be.

It’s admittedly difficult to match Boston’s diverse population, but Lewis & Clark’s incoming class for 2007 is 22% ethnic minority and have a median age of 27. Students can get involved with Portland’s diverse community though the Oregon State Bar Minority Section; the minority, women’s, and GLBT law student organizations; and by helping clients through our downtown or small business legal clinics. Our Academic Enhancement Program plans workshops & sessions to help support students from non-traditional, diverse, or disadvantaged backgrounds. The extremely welcoming & flexible atmosphere at L&C also helps to keep the attrition rate of all students very low.

Demographic facts on the 2007 entering class: http://www.lclark. edu/dept/lawadmss/ profile.html

Info on the Academic Enhancement Program: http://www.lclark. edu/dept/lawadmss/ aep.html

List of student organizations: http://www.lclark. edu/org/sba/studentgroups. html

Public interest law seems to be a strong interest for many residents in the Boston area. Many of you are working for large (or smaller) non-profit organizations. If this sector is your calling even after law school, we’re happy to tell you that Lewis & Clark Law School is particularly noted for our Public Interest offerings. While the national average of placement into public interest legal jobs right out of law school is about 5-6%, Lewis & Clark typically places between 11-14% new graduates into this sector. With the help of summer stipends, and LRAP program, public interest career fair, and more, we’re proud that many of our students can realize their goals of doing non-profit legal work.

Learn more about Public Interest at L&C: http://law.lclark. edu/org/pilp/

Obviously there’s more than public interest that we offer. Our curriculum can be very specific or very broad depending on your interests. Our certificate programs include Business Law, Criminal Law, Environmental & Natural Resources Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Tax Law, but only about one-third of students choose to specialize. The other two-thirds are exploring their options and keeping their minds open to various areas of practice.

Explore our curriculum and clinics:

http://law.lclark. edu/dept/lawac/academics. html

Employment statistics and career services:

http://www.lclark. edu/dept/lscs/prospective. html

There is so much more to say about our law school and region of the country. If you were unable to stop by our table at the forum, but would still like to receive information about Lewis & Clark Law School, please respond to this email with your contact information, or fill out our online request form at http://www.lclark. edu/dept/lawadmss/ info_request.html

Lewis & Clark students enjoy accessible faculty, flexible and numerous program offerings, rigorous academics, a scenic campus, and a very supportive atmosphere. If, after doing more research, you think L&C might be a good fit for you, then we look forward to receiving your application!

Application requirements: http://law.lclark. edu/dept/lawadmss/ requirements.html

Application timeline: http://www.lclark. edu/dept/lawadmss/ timeline.html


Shannon Davis

Assistant Dean of Admissions

Lewis & Clark Law School

800-303-4860 cmilan485

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Lewis & Clark Law School | 10015 SW Terwilliger Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219

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