Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Case Western Reserve School of Law

Dear Christian Milan,

Greetings from Case Western Reserve University School of Law! I hope this email finds you enjoying the summer and having success in your exploration of law schools. This Saturday, Darlene Shuler, Assistant Director of Admissions and Diversity Initiatives will be at LSAC's Washington DC Forum to talk about Case Western Reserve University School of Law. This forum will provide a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our law school, have your questions answered, and pick up printed materials.

Case Western Reserve offers a number of exceptional concentration programs and experiential learning opportunities in the areas of International Law (including global security and international human rights); Law, Technology, and the Arts; Individual Rights and Social Reform; Public and Regulatory Institutions; Criminal Law; Litigation; Health Law, and Business Organizations. You can also pursue a joint degree by combining your JD with graduate programs in business, bioethics, public health, medicine, social work, non-profit management, biochemistry, and legal history. Further, CaseArc, our innovative teaching method, is a powerful combination of traditional legal theory and integrated lawyering skills. Through CaseArc, you're not just getting a legal education, you're experiencing the law.

I hope that you will continue to explore the ways Case Western Reserve University School of Law can help you achieve your academic and professional goals. Our website,, provides a wealth of information on our Centers of Excellence, concentration options, and experiential opportunities. In the links for prospective students, you'll find our on-line tour and our application for admission. Bring your questions to the Washington DC Forum on Saturday, June 21st and I'll gladly talk with you in greater detail. If you are not able to attend the Forum event, please contact me by calling toll-free 800-756-0036 or by emailing us at

Best wishes for continued success and a rewarding law school search.


Darlene A. Shuler
Assistant Director of Admissions
and Diversity Iniatives

Case Western Reserve University School of Law
toll-free: 800-756-0036
American Bar Association Student Lawyer Judge ABA L01432062
Law School Admission Council LSAC L24033516

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